Roy van Heeswijk

Student at Fontys ICT & Media Design

About Me

I am Roy van Heeswijk, 19 years old and live in Drunen, where I was born and raised. I study ICT & Media Design at Fontys in Tilburg.

With a passion for technology and creativity, I enjoy working on projects where I can challenge myself and learn new things. On my portfolio, you will find an overview of my work and the steps I take in my development.

Below you can my skills and above you can see what I have progressed in. Feel free to take a look!

My Projects

Sphere & Diece

Sphere & Diece

This is a project where I use THREE.js to make a sphere & diece rotate.

JavaScriptTHREE.jsCSSVS Code


This is a project where I use Next.js to create a speech-to-text app.

Tailwind CSSJavaScriptOpenAIGithubNext.jsCursor


This is a project where I use Tailwind CSS & JavaScript to create a website for the company Upendo.

JavascriptTailwind CSSNext.jsGithub